Saturday, January 23, 2010

Writing Sample-4 Yeast infection in a nut shell

Yeast is a fungus and is the root cause of several infections in human body. They are found in human skin and other body parts exposed to moisture. Hence, mouth and vagina are the common victims of yeast infection. Studies have found that, 20%-50% global female population suffers from vaginal infection due to yeast at least once in their life time. Most common type of yeast responsible for infections is Candida. In this brief article we will discuss about symptoms, treatment and prevention of infection.
Common symptoms
Redness and itching at affected area are common signs of yeast infection. Yeast can create infection in both male and female genitals. Once infected, the victim might experience irritation in the genital. In case of women, these symptoms are more complicated. They can experience soreness and burning in the genital part. Whitish-gray discharge from female genital is also commonly marked.
You can get rid of pain and other adverse effects caused by yeast infection if you go through proper medication. Doctors recommend antibiotics to treat it. There are several anti-fungal antibiotics are available in market which can effectively check Candida infection. Some popular antibiotics in this regard are topical clotrimazole, nystatin, fluconazole, and ketoconazole. These antibiotics can check Candida infection up to 90% success rate. However, continuous use of these antibiotics can develop resistance to them in your body.
Yeast infection is highly painful and irritating. Some basic tips can help you in preventing these infections up to a greater extent. After using toilet, you need to clean it properly. Sharing towels and clothes with others might cause such infection. Hence, avoid the habit of sharing them. You need to clean under garments regularly to check the growth of yeast on them. Green vegetables have live acidophilus bacteria which check the growth of yeast. Along with, you need to avoid processed food products and alcohol to prevent growth of yeast in your body parts.

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